Dear loved ones,
Peace be with you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who is worthy of all our praise! To Him be the glory forever and ever amen. In these last few weeks we were blessed with having some very dear friends (the Elwood family) with us, who encouraged our spirits and helped with the Lords work here.
There was a little more excitement than usual on our way out, because there were a few big protests along the road so that we couldn’t get to the airport in Puerto Cabezas. So our missionary friend Clint Hanely made a few trips to Puerto Cabezas with his little medical plane, and everything worked out just fine. It is so awesome to serve a Master who cares about us.
During the week we also had our boat stolen one night, so several of us got into another boat and went looking for them. They only had oars because they couldn’t start the motor without the key, so when they saw the boat load of bright flashlights coming God put a fear into their hearts and they rammed the boat onto the bank and ran off. No damage was done to the boat. Praise God!
An update on Solma; (the girl who was demon possessed) When I got home a few days after the last update, she was so happy and excited! She told me all about how the demons were just about to get her again, and she cried out to Jesus from the depth of her heart to save her. And with that the demons started running away, so she looked up and saw Jesus coming down to her and untied her hands and feet and all the ropes around her from the curses that had been put on her, and set her free.
But unfortunately after a few days her excitement started to go away after sharing with the people from the village, and everyone telling her, you know that you are not really healed, in will come back. How foolish of you to believe those Midikis who don’t understand this sickness. They think that you are healed from just praying for you and not using the Miskito medicine, they just don’t know, but you know better.
This is what she and her grandmother have had to hear constantly since she has been healed. So after the pastor denied her the opportunity to share her testimony in front of the church she got really depressed and sad for a few days. I finally told her that it is her choice whether she wants to focus on the devil’s lies and be sad, or focus on Jesus and what He did for her and be joyful. She chose to believe God’s promises, and within a day she was happy again. The first while after she got saved we still went to her house every night to pray for her and read scripture, but now she is coming to our morning bible study every morning and really enjoying it.
Would you continue to pray for Solma and her grandmother Petrona as they are mocked and ridiculed, so that they will not loose hope. That God would continue to open their hearts to learn the truth of His Word. Also pray that God would convict the hearts of the people who continue to say these things in unbelief, so that they may see that He really is the only true healer.
Something else to pray about; We are getting fluent enough in the language that we are planning to expand our daily bible study. What we are looking at doing is having it for an hour with everyone who will work for us that day, as well as anyone else who wants to come. We will keep the same time that the guys need to be here to start work, but use that first hour to study the bible. This way almost everyone in the village will get to hear the gospel for a week, when it’s there turn to work.
Thank yall for praying with us and for us, as well as all the support you give in various ways. Eli Lee