Another Day In KrinKrin

Another Day in KrinKrin


I stepped for a moment out of the office this morning where I’ve been making invitations for a girl’s conference coming up in June. The house is a buzz as normal. It’s only 8:45 but our day began early with breakfast at 6:00am, followed by family devotions. Dishes are washed, water carried, house swept, laundry done by hand and out on the line to dry in the hot dry season sun, and now everyone has found their own days’ work. Dad and Karen are in Puerto Cabezas ministering to a young lady while work here at home continues to happen as normal (what is normal anyway?). Rotten floor boards a being replaced, the cracks in the floor packed with cement, grocery list written, baby being cared for, child training book edited, update video narration written, and ministry flyers being put together. Everyone plays their own role; we are a team. We wouldn’t have it any other way.

I will get back to my work now, but I thought I would give you a glimpse into our life today. May each of you have a blessed day. Sarah Lee


Chris replacing rotten floor boards


Lizzie, Katie, and Eva filling cracks in floor


John babysitting Miracle


Mom making grocery list


Camille editing Child-Training booklet

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