April 21. Please be in prayer over the next few days for a young family who just left the Amish very recently and are experiencing serious persecution from their families and the church. And for us as we go and open the Bible with them and walk them through the truth of Salvation and the power of the Holy Spirit. Last week a van load of Amish came into their home one night and after condemning them and harassing them for 5 hours, they kidnapped the baby and it’s mother and took off to hide them away from the young husband and father.
The young man was distraught. He called the police and informed them what had just happened, and by God’s grace they were able to locate and stop the vehicle before it reached it’s destination and save the young woman from the mental torture and brainwashing she was about to have to endure, and was reunited with her husband along with their baby. Needless to say, there is a lot of hurt and confusion in their minds as to what is true and what is man made religion. So pray that they will know the truth, and the truth will set them free by the power of Jesus.
April 23. Update
Thank you to everyone who was praying (and shared the prayer request) for these precious people, and for the Holy Spirit to give understanding into the truths of the Bible. God has definitely honored our prayers. We were able to answer lots of questions they had, and showed them from the Word of God how to become born again.
I am super excited to inform yall that both Jacob and Wilma, after hearing that salvation was not by trying harder to follow the rules of the church, but was paid for in full by the blood of Jesus, became willing to surrender their lives to Him and prayed to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Our hearts are full of gratitude to the Lord and to all of you who have been a part of our team by praying and sending all the encouraging words. Our new brother and sister were overwhelmed by the fact that there are so many people out there that actually cared so much about them, even though you didn’t know them.
I would like to ask yall to continue to remember them when you pray, because the road ahead of them is not going to be all roses. They made plans to relocate soon to avoid some of the harassment. They are from the community of Bethany Mo. The van load of people who did the kidnapping were from Carrollton Mo.