An update from the Wanki Nicaragua side of the mission field. I want to begin by acknowledging and thanking everyone of y’all that participate, in some way, shape or form, in furthering the gospel here in Nicaragua. We serve an all-powerful and faithful Father. Here we continue to stay busy with the every- day happenings, and various ministries here in the community and all along the river. In the past couple years God has put it in the hearts, and opened the doors for most of my siblings to one by one move back to the States. All of them being a bitter sweet goodbye.
In the end of March 2021 my parents were blessed with the opportunity to go back to the States and plan to stay for six months, updating our family and friends, resting and recharging, and being there for the birth of their first granddaughter. Katie will also be moving back to the States for the summer, and possibly long term. I realized it would be hard with just Chris and I on the ground here for six months but felt up to the challenge. So a few months back when Saloma Hershberger shared with me that she felt lead to come down here for a few months this spring I felt overjoyed with the thought of having a girl companion alongside me for a few months while my parents are on furlough. We praise God that she arrived on March 20th.
Then again when we got the news that Daniel Yoder (AKA Uncle Daniel) made plans to come in the middle of April and stay for three months; I’m not sure who was more happy, Chris or I. We are blessed beyond words. It’s definitely different with just a few of us here but it’s unique in it’s own way. I find myself feeling overwhelmed at times with all the responsibilities, namely paperwork, put continue to experience God’s faithfulness in that too. But the thing I’m noticing more is how I find myself needing and appreciating the community of the natives much more since I don’t have a continual fellowship and community with my siblings and parents. So I’m believing and trusting that even through my loneliest days that God will continue to use it for the good, in drawing me closer to himself and giving me a deeper connection with the people that I love so dearly, and long so much for them to understand the true grace and love of God.
The folks here, I notice it especially in the girls and young ladies, really feel like we need them now as well, instead of them always just needing us. Which I find very encouraging to observe, because in the past six months God has been teaching me quite a bit on, “people’s need to be needed.” And how important that is in growing a healthy relationship with someone and especially in ministering to someone. So it’s all beginning to become a much clearer picture to me why God told me, “this will be a year of deepening relationships.” He is most certainly doing just that. I’m in awe of God and the way he prepares us in advance for what’s ahead of us. He sees the big picture and slowly one piece at a time reveals it to us as we’re ready for it. We serve an Amazing God!!!